The Lifetime Readjustable System
Adjustable and long term re-adjustable system for all kind of male stress urinary incontinence.
The Lifetime Re-Adjustable System
This system has three simple steps:
1- Surgery: The Remeex Male is placed at the OR leaving the system totally tension free (patient still incontinent).
2- Post-op Adjustment: 24-48h after the intervention the system is adjusted up to the desired urethral support level. This adjustment is done with the patient standing up and doing the movements that drives him to incontinence. By performing this adjustment properly step by step, continence can be achieved at the right level avoiding retention.
3- Re-Adjustment: The system can be re-adjusted as many times as needed during patient's lifetime. When needed, surgeon can adjust the sling urethral support by reconnecting the manipulator to the varitensor to increase the urethral support level up to continence.
Advantages of using the Remeex Male
-Excellent outcome (Lifetime Readjustable)
-Physiological voiding
-Pressure Transmission System
Dynamic pressure transmission system
When coughing, the patient advances the rectus muscle, advancing the Varitensor, and increasing the sling urethral support while it’s needed. This reconstructs the intra-abdominal pressure transmission system of normal continent patients.
The readjustment is made while the patient is standing up and making the efforts that drives him to incontinence. The sling adjustment is made step by step (checking continence every three turns of the manipulator). When the patient is continent we know that three turns before he was incontinent. The system is designed to provide the minimal urethral support to reach continence avoiding retention.